Living Alone-Steps You Can Take To Remain Safe
You may feel as though you have enough common sense to remain safe but you would be surprised at just how susceptible many people living alone are to a home invasion. If you don’t want to become a victim of a burglary, it certainly couldn’t hurt to review a few stapes that can actually be of benefit to you. If you are living alone, plan on living alone or simply find yourself living alone for whatever reason, you should be aware of what it will take to remain safe. We are not saying that you’re not doing anything right but there is always room for improvement. Our locksmiths at Cary Locksmith in Cary, NC, have some practical suggestions that you may be interested in knowing about that will help you to remain safe. If you apply some of these suggestions it will improve your odds of avoiding a burglary.
Useful Stats You Should Know About:
- The majority of home invasions occur during the daytime
- A women who lives alone has a .5% chance of being burglarized
- Women experience a .4% chance of a violent crime than males
- Women have a .1% chance of being robbed
Why Some People Live Alone
For some people it is by choice that they live alone but in some cases, it is not. There have been found more people living alone since the mid-90’s than ever before. We have concluded that this is because of children graduating from school, divorce, separation, first time home buyers and in some instances, children simply being asked to leave their parents home. We don’t think that there is anything wrong with a person living alone but it does pose its own set of problems that should definitely be considered. It is in your best interest to at least know about these threats to your security so that you can take action to do something to address them.